The introduction of the Adblock Plus issue reporter has resulted in a significant increase in the number of users who have reported missing adverts or problems on adult domains. These reports have often been met with little to no response for the simple reason that EasyList and EasyPrivacy policy dictates that adult domains are not considered when adding filters to the subscriptions. Adult domains have a purportedly more aggressive style of advertising than most websites, which would mean that an exceptionally high number of specific filters would be required to remove the unwanted content from domains of this nature. These filters provide little benefit to the majority of users, who would still have to regularly download the larger subscriptions despite never using the rules.
I would therefore recommend that users who regularly visit adult websites install a supplementary subscription that specifically targets domains of this nature, such as Fanboy's Adult/Dating List or the Adversity Adult List , both of which are listed in the full list of subscriptions, and report any issues that arise to the respective maintainers.
Update: 30/05/2011
Subscription policy on adult websites has been revised; the changes and the reasons for the alterations are explained in a more recent article .
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